our mission
We are a community of children, families, individuals, organizations, medical professionals and caregivers with interest in creating awareness, advocating, and providing support and resources for all those West Virginians affected by young adult, adolescence and childhood cancer.

crusader news
why get involved?
In order to make a difference and change the world, you have to have endured something painful to make you want to work so hard and dedicate so much of yourself to make that difference. My families pain was that of our daughter named Ali who was diagnosed with cancer in 2006. She is a survivor and we are blessed, unlike so many families that we have come to know during her treatment and those that we have met through WVKCC. They have suffered a loss of a child. I love sharing Ali’s story and the stories of the other children through WVKCC. Awareness is key and I emphasize that. We all need to get involved in helping these children. They are here in WV in your community, in your schools, they are your neighbors